
Hangzhou,China,has provided worldwidely with high-quality fluid control products over 10 years. And service bases are extendable throughout the world.
Linus provides the world leading products by its superior technology and dvanced equipments as: hydraulic diaphragm metering pumps,plunger metering pumps,mechanical diaphragm metering pumps,high pressure reciprocating pumps,packaged chemical dosing device,water treatment equipment and a variety of chemical pump accessories. Which widely apply to industrial areas and high-tech agriculture such as chemical,petrochemical,environmental protection,
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COPYRIGHT(C) 2012-2015 HangzhouLinus Pump Co., 谈谈球app下载. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Sales department: +86-571-63218833/63218128   Export department: +86-571-58236852/63210338
Add: No.I8 Tashan Rd.Xindeng Industry Area.Hangzhou,China   Website technology: webodm

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